Multilingual Bibles and Additional Resources:
- Biblegateway – 74 Languages and 231+ Versions, Text Based, Online, FREE
- – Text and Audio Bibles in Multiple Languages, Online, FREE
- EMM – Videos, Multilingual Printed Books and FREE E-books available in Arabic, Bulgarian, English, Farsi, French, German, Hausa, Indonesian, Somali, Swahili, Tajik, Turkish and Urdu
- Global Initiative: Reaching Muslim Peoples – Resources for new believers and outreach in Arabic, English, French and Spanish plus, Journey with Jesus: A Spiritual Pilgrimage through the Psalms of Ascent – Free Download
- Jesus Film – Film Based on the Gospel of Luke (1900+ Languages) and Jesus Film and Other Videos Available on YouTube, Online, FREE
- Multi-Language Media – Buy and Ship Printed Bibles and Other Christian Resources, Available in over 120 Languages
- Say Hello – Devotions, prayer guides and resources to help you share your faith: English, French, Mandarin (coming soon) and Spanish
- WordProject – Audio Bibles, Text Bibles and Additional Language Resources, Online, FREE
- Virtual prayerwalks for unreached people groups in North America
Training for Churches, Small Groups, Outreach Ministries or Individuals:
Do you want to train your church to reach 2nd generation Muslims in New York City?
Global Gates, Missionary
Email: russell@globalgates.
CTU offers several ways to get plugged in!
Prayer is the heartbeat of the ministry and street evangelism is the starting point to connect with Muslims and build relationships. Training is available for small groups and churches to learn about street evangelism, using the Quran to answer questions and presenting Gospel truth from the Bible.
- Tuesdays, 6pm – Seeker friendly, Bengali language house church
- Wednesdays, 11am-1:30pm – Prayer Meeting via Zoom with believers here and in Bangladesh
- Wednesdays, 4:30pm-until – Street Evangelism – Long Island City, Queens, NYC
- Fridays, 12:30pm-4pm – Street Evangelism – Jamaica Queens, NYC
The training schedule is flexible and can be customized for a weekend or a week
MomentumYes invites everyday people to participate in what God is doing in today’s world. The FREE online video series is for churches, small groups and individuals. It calls us to rethink God’s mission, our call and your personal role from a Biblical perspective. Leader guides are included. The format works well for a virtual Bible study. Sneak a peek at Week 1:
Resources to Share, Ways to Serve, Help for New Immigrants in the United States:
- Locally in NYC, The International Rescue Committee helps people who’s lives are upended by war, conflict and natural disasters:
- Immigrant Hope – Brooklyn offers honest, low-cost legal advice & services regarding the U.S. immigration processes in a safe and caring environment. Several offices across the United States.
- Hearts & Homes for Refugees is a locally based organization in Westchester, NY
- Supporting Afghan Refugees –
- Sponsorship opportunities, cultural guides and prayer guides
Africa Inland Mission
Africa Inland Mission is passionate about reaching Africa’s unreached Muslims with the good news of Jesus. Numbering over 700 people groups across the continent, these Muslims are found in the Sahel, the Horn, and along the Indian Ocean coast. We are seeking individuals who are eager to take their faith and their vocation to live and proclaim among these people. Short-term opportunities are available, including a business as mission internship for summer 2020. Come by our booth to learn more about the opportunities to shine the light of Christ in these dark lands.
Christian Islamic Dialogue
The vision of Christian Islamic Dialogue (CID) is to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to beloved Muslims domestically and globally, by training followers of Christ in sharing the gospel through small outreach teams.
Crescent Project
Our goal is to see every Muslim have an opportunity to respond to the Gospel and be connected to a true follower of Jesus. To that end we seek to inspire, equip, and come alongside the church or individual to reach out to Muslims in their community. You can serve by prayer, joining or starting an outreach group/team, or come on staff as an area coordinator.
Eastern Mennonite Mission’s Christian-Muslim Relations Team
We envision communities of Jesus the Messiah’s followers who, by abiding in Him and embodying who He is, cultivate peaceful relations with their Muslim neighbours and bear witness to God’s ministry of reconciliation in Jesus the Messiah.
Our mission is to build a network equipping Christians around the world for life-giving relationships with Muslims through hospitality, dialogue, witness, and peacemaking.
Our core values include faithful witness, embracing Jesus as Savior and Lord, answering questions, and being gentle and respectful to all. We are committed to building genuine relationships based on friendships with Muslims, becoming involved in the community, sharing love and compassion.
Our goal is to establish new partners, teaching, modeling and commissioning them to embrace these commitments.
Encountering the World of Islam
Encountering the World of Islam (EWI) helps Christians understand Islam and foster positive relationships with Muslims. EWI looks at the whole global community of Muslims, most of whom live in South and Southeast Asia (Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Pakistan) rather than in the Middle East, as is often supposed.
Global Gates
The mission of Global Gates is to see gospel transformation of the world’s most unevangelized people groups who have come to global gateway cities, and through them reach their communities around the world.
International Project
International Project exists to initiate church-planting movements among unreached people groups living outside their homelands. In order to achieve this goal we have long, mid, and short-term opportunities that offer hands-on practical training.
International Students Inc.
International Students Inc. of NYC (ISNYC) exists to share Christ’s love with international students in New York City, and to equip them for effective service in cooperation with the local church and others. ISNYC desires to be a catalytic presence among New York City believers in order to initiate a disciple-making movement among international students and their networks.
International Missions Board
IMB partners with churches to empower limitless missionary teams who are evangelizing, discipling, planting, and multiplying healthy churches, and training leaders among unreached peoples and places for the glory of God.
New York School of the Bible
The New York School of the Bible — a ministry of Calvary Baptist Church, is a continuing-adult education program offering courses and certificate programs in Bible, theology, and church ministry.
Nik Ripken Ministries
The mission of Nik Ripken Ministries (NRM) is to expand and deepen the Kingdom of God especially among the 2.8 billion people who are considered unengaged and unreached. NRM accomplishes this task by sharing truths and practices learned from believers in persecution. NRM mentors small groups, teaches in theological seminaries, and assists mission entities with training. NRM provides multiple resources to help believers thrive whether in political freedom or in environments of persecution.
T4T Online
T4TOnline is a cooperative effort between David Garrison, the Southern Baptist International Mission Board and Greater Europe Mission to make the training developed by Ying Kai more broadly available. David is a leading researcher on church planting movements and has authored Church Planting Movements: How God Is Redeeming a Lost World (WIGTake Resources, 2004). He currently serves as the IMB’s Global Strategist for Evangelical Advance.
United World Mission
United World Mission exists to equip leaders, establish churches, and engage in holistic ministry by partnering with the church globally. We envision a flourishing church, led by well-equipped local leaders, serving every city and neighborhood of the world.
Urban Nations Outreach
Urban Nations Outreach is an evangelistic ministry that focuses on ministering to Muslims and other “10/40 Window” immigrant groups in New York City.
In 2021, UNO is actively involved in supporting Afghan families and getting them settled in NYC. Contact the ministry to see how you can give your time or donate household goods.
UNO has developed ongoing ministries reaching out to the following New York immigrant groups: West African Muslims (from several countries and tribes) and those who come from South Asian countries (from Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, Nepal & Tibet).
New Funding Models for Global Mission: Learning from the Majority World
by Tim Welch
Financing Mission from Anywhere to Everywhere
Times are changing, and conventional methods of funding missionaries are shifting. Churches in Africa, Asia, and Latin America no longer depend on Western funding for sending out their own missionaries. How then does the Majority World fund missionaries?
New Funding Models for Global Missions begins by summarizing how world missions has been funded from the past to the present. It then critiques the common fundraising approach where missionaries raise their own financial support and suggests possible adjustments. Tim Welch presents seventeen other funding models that are more appropriate options for contemporary missionaries, along with an overview of what the Bible says about missionary funding. He concludes with fifteen practical recommendations for individuals, churches, and mission agencies.
This book seeks to give prophetic leadership in order to change systems and practices for successfully resourcing missionaries. New models—better suited to the situation in which the global church finds itself—provide more funding and opportunities to glorify the Lord among the nations.
Captive in Islam
by Arline Westmeier
At the age of 8, Urmi was married and divorced. Her mother had her married behind her father’s back, who immediately made sure she got divorced.
Urmi was taught by her loving father how to be a devout follower of Islam. Her mother, on the other hand, was much less interested in religion but wanted her to marry well. Urmi loved her father, wanted to please him, and agreed that following Allah was most important.
But at the age of 17, her mother again had her way. Urmi was married, pregnant and abandoned by the age of 18. She felt there was no hope and decided to end her life. But a still, small voice reminded her that she would kill her baby.
This is Urmi’s true story of how Jesus walked with her before she knew Him and led her to Himself.
Book proceeds benefit the Center to the Unreached.
Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus
by Nabeel Qureshi
In Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus, Nabeel Qureshi describes his dramatic journey from Islam to Christianity, complete with friendships, investigations, and supernatural dreams along the way.
Providing an intimate window into a loving Muslim home, Qureshi shares how he developed a passion for Islam before discovering, almost against his will, evidence that Jesus rose from the dead and claimed to be God. Unable to deny the arguments but not wanting to deny his family, Qureshi’s inner turmoil will challenge Christians and Muslims alike.
Engaging and thought-provoking, Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus tells a powerful story of the clash between Islam and Christianity in one man’s heart—and of the peace he eventually found in Jesus.
Learning from the Least: Reflections on a Journey in Mission with Palestinian Christians
by Andrew F. Bush
With the majority of the world’s Christians now living in the non-Western world, Christian mission has become a global movement. The mission of Western Christianity now faces the challenge of laying aside the preeminence and privilege it has long enjoyed in global Christian mission, and embracing a new role of servanthood in weakness alongside its sisters and brothers from Asia, South America, and Africa. Such a transformation in historic patterns in mission requires not just new strategies and techniques, but a renewal of its spirituality.
How can the spirituality of Western mission be renewed? By learning from those non-Western Christians whose lives on the margins reveal anew the One who emptied himself of the prerogatives of glory on the cross to serve humanity out of utter weakness. Learning from the Least invites you to a journey among Palestinian Christians to meet radical peacemakers who are making courageous decisions to reconcile with those who are customarily reckoned as enemies. Their radical servanthood out of weakness is a prophetic challenge to Western Christians, a call to lay aside the prerogatives of power and wealth, to question triumphal theologies, and to discover again the vulnerability of the way of the cross.
The Muslim Next Door: A Practical Guide for Evangelism and Discipleship
by Alfonse Javed
In today’s world of conflict and change, no one can escape the reality that Islam is spreading very fast. Since 9/11, the Muslim population has doubled in the United States of America. Muslims are building mosques and Islamic centers throughout the country. There is an increasing fear among Americans of the imminent threat of terrorism by Muslims in America.
What does Islam teach about terrorism? What is Jihad? What does Islam teach about Christians and Jews? What are the basic beliefs of Muslims? Are all Muslims extremists? How about the ones living among us? Do Muslims hate non-Muslims (specifically Christians and Jews)? Is Islam a religion of peace?
These and many other questions will be answered in this book. Understanding Islam is the only way to reach out to Muslims in America and worldwide. The Muslim Next Door is a guide for churches and individuals to evangelize Muslims. A clear understanding of pure Islamic knowledge can make a difference in our relationships with Muslims in our neighborhoods.
Miraculous Movements: How Hundreds of Thousands of Muslims Are Falling in Love with Jesus
by Jerry Trousdale
How do the people most resistant to the transformative power of the gospel come to be its most devoted followers? Miraculous Movement recounts an amazing change taking place within Muslim communities where the truth of Jesus Christ is turning around the lives of many thousands of Muslims from more than twenty people groups. Discover through the sometimes humorous, often sobering, but always enlightening and encouraging true stories how imams, sheiks, and entire mosques are forsaking Islam and embracing Christ.
This close look at what the Lord is doing to spread the gospel highlights the key scriptural principles that help Christians reach out in love to share the gospel in their own community. The authors outline the principle of service to others that open doors of opportunity to the work of the gospel.
Author Jerry Trousdale works with CityTeam Ministries, an organization dedicated to helping disciples make disciples through CityTeam’s own ministry and through training other ministries in more than thirty countries.
Muslims, Christians, and Jesus: Gaining Understanding and Building Relationships
by Carl Medearis
Based on the author’s twenty-five years of first-hand experience, this engaging book reveals what Islam really teaches and how today’s Muslims live and think. With practical information and personal stories, Carl Medearis shows readers how they can build life-changing bridges between the world’s two largest religions–one person at a time, whether in the US or elsewhere.
A Wind In The House Of Islam: How God Is Drawing Muslims Around The World To Faith In Jesus Christ
by David Garrison
There are nine geo-cultural “rooms” in the “House of Islam,” and the Wind of God’s Spirit is blowing through every one of them. David Garrison spent three years traveling a quarter–million miles through every corner of the Muslim world to investigate reports far and wide of Muslims turning to faith in Jesus Christ. In this amazing odyssey, Garrison gathered the stories of more than a thousand Muslim–background believers, asking them the question: “What did God use to bring you to faith in Jesus Christ? Tell me your story.”
The result is a historic and unprecedented insight into the greatest turning of Muslims to Christ in history. Hear the stories of men and women who have sacrificed everything – home, family, even their lives – for the sake of following Jesus.
In this book, you will hear from men and women from West Africa to Indonesia and everywhere in between. You will see how God is at work through answered prayers; dreams and visions; 21st–century technologies such as the Internet, satellite television, video, and audio tools; and bold Christian witnesses who have often paid the ultimate price for the sake of reaching Muslims for Jesus Christ. Along the way, you will also gain insights into the fascinating background of each of these nine geo-cultural rooms in the House of Islam.
Finally, and most importantly, you will learn how you too can be a part of the greatest turning of Muslims to Christ in history, both overseas and in your own community.
Coffee & Orange Blossoms: 7 Years & 15 Days in Tyre, Lebanon
by Nate Scholz
When he moved to Lebanon to live in a Shia Muslim neighborhood, Nate Scholz knew he was in for an adventure. The aroma of orange blossoms wafting over the countryside was as inviting as the people he met. To avoid offending his Arab hosts, Nate learned to enjoy drinking bitter coffee. By the time the bombs started falling seven years later, Nate had married the woman of his dreams, brought two children into the world, and become an accepted part of the Shia community.
Scholz braids highlights of seven years lived in the Hezbollah heartland together with tense emails written to friends and family during the 33-Day War in 2006, when Nate’s family survived Israeli air assaults and a refugee camp in Cyprus. Coffee & Orange Blossoms tells a story that is, as the title indicates, both bitter and sweet.
Questions Muslims Ask: What Christians Actually Do (and Don’t) Believe
by Robert Scott
Christians and Muslims don’t understand each other very well. Muslims have often heard that Christians worship three gods, or that the Injil, the Christian Scripture, has been corrupted. How can Christians explain their faith in a way that Muslims can understand? In his work with Muslims in central London, Robert Scott has discovered that many are quite open to talking about matters of faith. In this thoughtful and respectful book, he explores common questions and objections his Muslim friends have discussed with him over the years.
Ordinary Christians can read this book to better appreciate where Muslims are coming from. Ordinary Muslims can read this book to better grasp what Christians actually believe, and why. With discussion questions for both Christians and Muslims, this accessible book is a helpful foundation for understanding and conversation. Use it to start and continue fruitful conversations with your Muslim friends.
DREAMS AND VISIONS: Is Jesus Awakening the Muslim World?
by Tom Doyle
What would you do if Jesus appeared to you in a dream? What if He came to you in a vision and told you to follow Him? What if these visions continued for over thirty days? would you believe? Would you put your trust in him? Would you devote your life to him?
Would you if you were Muslim?
Pastor Tom Doyle has spent eleven years as a full-time missionary in the Middle East and Central Asia, spreading the word of Jesus Christ. Throughout his journey, he has encountered a staggering number of Muslims who were first introduced to Jesus through a vision or dream so powerful that they eventually turned from their lifelong religion of Islam and embraced Christ as their Savior. Despite living in a culture where converting to Christianity can result in execution, these former Muslims have found hope, peace, and inspiration that comes from knowing Christ. Their stories will amaze you. Jesus is reaching out to the Muslims and they are responding. Did you know that Iran has the fastest growing church in the world?
Dreams and Visions is a remarkable collection of stories directly from the world of Islam. Doyle not only relates these stories but also addresses the questions: Why would God use dreams to reach the Muslim world? Can dreams be trusted? What happens after these dreams or visions occur?
Travel to the heart of the Middle East to meet new believers who have truly been touched by Jesus in the most miraculous way, through their nightly dreams.
The Father Glorified: True Stories of God’s Power Through Ordinary People
by Patrick Robertson
Learn the best methods for winning people to Christ with the help of CityTeam Ministries. In a follow up to their book Miraculous Movements, the missionaries of CityTeam share more insights into how best to share God’s love around the world. The authors take you beyond their work in Africa to California to show how the biblical principles used by the early church in the Book of Acts can work for us today.
This book highlights the key scriptural principles that help Christians use faith-based discipleship to reach out in love in their own communities. The authors outline the principle of service to others that open doors of opportunity to the work of the gospel.
In the Land of Blue Burqas
by Kate McCord
Riveting and fast paced, In the Land of Blue Burqas depicts sharing the love and truth of Christ with women living in Afghanistan, which has been called “the world’s most dangerous country in which to be born a woman.”
These stories are honest and true. The harsh reality of their lives is not sugar-coated, and that adds to the impact of this book. Through storytelling, the author shows how people who don’t know Christ come to see Him, His truth, and His beauty. The stories provide insight into how a Jesus-follower brought Jesus’ teachings of the Kingdom of God to Afghanistan. They reveal the splendor of Christ, the desire of human hearts, and that precious instance where the two meet.
All of the names ofthose involved—including Kate’s—plus the locations have been changed to protect the participants.
Healing the Broken Family of Abraham: New Life for Muslims
by Don McCurry
An essential resource for the Christian worker committed to sharing Christ’s love with Muslims.
Any 3: Anyone, Anywhere, Any Time: Lead Muslims To Christ Now!
by Mike Shipman
Mike Shipman, a Southern Baptist missionary in Asia, took a bold and biblical approach to reach the millions of Muslims in his country. Drawn from the patterns established by Jesus with the Samaritan woman at the well in John 10, Mike Shipman demonstrates how these same principles are relevant and applicable today. The result is Any–3: Anyone, Anywhere, Any Time, a highly effective and deeply biblical five-step process that has seen thousands of Muslims say “Yes” to Jesus and enter into new communities of faithful discipleship.
Any–3 provides biblical principles and practical steps that have equipped hundreds of Christians to witness confidently and effectively. Over the past decade, thousands of Muslims have been engaged with the gospel. Within the first few years, Any–3 resulted in seven generations of Muslim–background churches planting churches, with more than a thousand baptized believers.
Any–3 introduces Christians to a five-step process that helps them to 1) get connected with Muslims, 2) get to a God conversation, 3) get to lostness, 4) get to the gospel, and 5) get to a decision. Hundreds of Christians have learned to walk this path with Muslims, leading thousands of them to say “Yes” to Jesus and pray to receive him into their lives as Savior and Lord.
Any–3 is truly revolutionizing Christian ministry to Muslims. Through this highly readable new resource, you too will learn how to share the gospel with Muslims and bring them into new discipleship communities.
The Camel: How Muslims Are Coming To Faith In Christ
by Kevin Greeson
The Camel reveals the secrets of one of the fastest growing Church Planting Movements among Muslims in our time. When Baptist missionary Kevin Greeson found himself in the midst of one of the largest Church Planting Movements the Muslim world has ever seen, he went to these new Muslim–background believers and asked them, “How are you winning your family and friends to faith in Jesus Christ?”
Their reply was, “Come, walk with us.”In the months that followed Kevin learned how Muslim–background Christ followers were reaching their lost Muslim friends, and bringing them to the good news of Jesus Christ. He learned the secrets of the Camel, how to bridge Muslims from the Qur’an and into the New Testament where they could encounter Jesus Christ for themselves.
The CAMEL is an acronym used to highlight four bridges to the gospel that appear in the Qur’an’s surah al–Imran 3:42–55. The “C” recalls the fact that Maryam (Mary) was Chosen to give birth to the Messiah. The “A” reminds us that Angels Announced that even though she was a virgin, God would cause the Messiah to be born through her. The “M” points to the Miracles Jesus would do. And the “EL” refers to Jesus’ Eternal Life. Kevin Greeson’s The Camel tells the inside story of one of the world’s fastest-growing Muslim movements to Christ that produced more than 100,000 baptisms.
Greeson reveals for us the inner workings of this movement carefully explaining its background and the Qur’anic passages that Muslim–background believers often use to draw their family and friends into gospel discussions and decisions for Christ. The book includes step–by–step instructions, answers to frequently asked questions, and testimonials from others who are seeing Muslims hear and respond to the gospel. The book contains an index, glossary, and helpful appendices of resources to guide you and your church in practical steps for pursuing a Muslim movement to Christ in your own community. The Camel reaches Muslims where they are and brings them the salvation God has provided through His Son Jesus. Discover for yourself how you too can ride the Camel and bring Muslims to faith in Jesus Christ.
Funding, Ministry Resources and Relief Work:
- Blessings of Hope – Supplies churches and ministries with food for the ministries’ pantry programs, disaster relief efforts or aid.
- Financing Mission from Anywhere to Everywhere – Creative ways to fund missions in the Majority World.